Monday, September 30, 2013

Breaking Bad Grumpy Cat

(Note the pics above were compiled from images found via Google Search)

I thoroughly enjoyed last night's finale of Breaking Bad.  The writing in this show was first rate.  I liked how they used the name Heizenberg after the man who posited the quantum physics principle of uncertainty.  The concept, in simple terms, states that as one improves his accuracy on finding the location of an electron he loses accuracy on its momentum and energy, but as one improves accuracy on momentum he loses accuracy on position and energy.  The entire story plot follows this type of pattern and by the end (SPOILER ALERT) Walter dies just before the police arrive.  They've found WALTER, but the meth lab, the people running the lab and business around it are either gone or dead.  Just when Walter is about to be killed, he manages to find his way to saving Jesse and he kills the gang with a trunk-mounted machine gun.  It was just an awesome ending for a great story.

Jesse was another good and proper ending.  I found myself laughing that he was driving away from the scene just before police arrive just as we met his character leaping out of a second story window as the DEA was raiding his lab.  Walter may have used the name Heizenberg, but the name didn't take it's full meaning without the two of them.  As a team, they escaped prosecution as Walter died from his injuries after fulfilling his objective of providing for his family, and Jesse escaped the scene ahead of being discovered there.

Again I say, an excellent ending to an excellent story.

Monday, September 9, 2013

New Technology for a Brave New 1984

With the advent of the NSA scandal, I have to wonder, as I'm sure many people will, about Apple releasing 2 new iPhones.  I came across this article that was referenced on Facebook.

In my cynical thinking, given the latest news about the latest released documents from Edward Snowden, I had to wonder the following (in jest of course - I think):

I'm guessing the less expensive model comes with features like:
1) NSA Forwarding
2) Alert messages and auto-highlighting for certain "key words and phrases"
3) CIA drone beacon
4) Unobtrusive Auto-upload of GPS history to
5) 3rd Party Auto-Decrypt

I do wonder how that news will effect the technology market, and even people's communications.

It's sad.  When I read THIS article, I have to admit that for as cynical as I am, I was a bit "gobsmacked" myself.  It would seem that the distopia of Eric Blair's (George Orwell by pseudonym) 1984 is finally being realized today.  It might only take the slightest nudge to turn the "Department of Homeland Security" into the "Ministry of Love."  This is a scary prospect and there are people who should be made to account.  I don't, however, think this should be entirely aired in public.  There are some things the public should NOT know so as to protect our security as a nation.

So, in all seriousness, we writers make jokes about these issues and others, but we do understand that it represents something serious.  Perhaps that's WHY we choose satire to express ourselves at times.

Just some thoughts.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Self Scan Elf Can, Part II - Into The Heart of Christmas

Letter:  Santa Claus to Chester Elf

It was good to hear from you, Chester, and I’m glad that you’re getting on well.  I’ll see if I can get a credit card to you shortly.  It is awfully difficult to do much of anything these days without one.  Your manager at the shop was supposed to make sure you had the thing before you left, but it seems that didn't happen.  Also, it looks like Dasher has managed to break a few rivets on his harness and it may take a little time to prepare.  It seemed like for a while you couldn't step around the North Pole without stepping on a blasted rivet, but now there seem to be none in sight.  In the mean time, I will FAX a credit card number to the store manager where you are, and that should take care of your immediate need.  I am curious to see this “Elf Can” you spoke of in your letter.

That said, I think your manager failed to tell you the objective of your mission south.  The point of your trip, as it’s been far too many years you've been penned-up in that workshop and as much as you don’t seem to mind it, is to become acquainted with the twenty-first century.  The little boxes you speak of are called CELL PHONES.  Most people use a very common variant of this invention called a, “smart phone.”  Generally when they are not using it as a phone, and sometime then they ARE, they will be using their smart phones to do stupid things.  This has lead to those laws that you spoke of.  The mechanical carriages are called “automobiles” but this term is generally abbreviated to “auto” or “car” in common speech.  The operation of these vehicles is called, “driving,” and texting while driving is (agreed) one of the most dangerous things someone can do as it makes the driver actually (if you can believe it) WORSE than a DRUNKARD at the reins.  Oh, and just wait till you discover the, "Internet."  As for the O-M-G you got from the girl, SHE was being selfish, you can add her to the, “naughty list.”  You should know that we now denote gender when we refer to youngsters these days. 

So for the time being, I think you will need some extra help and I've arranged to have you seek out a very special individual who’s been down there for some years now.  He helps me a great deal with the kids and getting their Christmas wishes, but he’s not terribly near you I’m afraid.  Also, As Dasher’s harness is being repaired you may have to leave your present location in Mackinaw City (or were you on Mackinac Island?), and take a riverboat to New York City.  He’s in Queens, or was it the Bronx?  Anyway, He’s well nested in the heart of the concrete jungle, and you’ll find him there, I’m certain. He’s my best elf, and I don’t think anyone has ever been as prodigious as he in getting to know the kids of today.   He is very much a multi-talented fellow.  He once drew a picture of the misses; I have it hanging in my study.  It shows her blindfolded with a hand on Rudolph’s back, nose lit bright as ever, and pointing him into the darkness as if leading him there.  I always find myself in a reflective mood when I look at it.  Anyway, you should hurry up and get yourself on the first boat to New York City.

Thank you for all the help.

Good luck,

Nicholas Claus, Santa

PS:  I forgot to mention the name of this gentleman you’re to find.  He goes by the sir name Kurtz.  The  manager there should be able to help you.