Here's a little bed-time reading for the kids. The link to the video read of this is on my
Video Links page:
The Cat From the Frat
Comes Back…
By: Paul Van Huffel –
This was no time to pray
This was no time to pun
This was no time for dames
There was work to be done.
All that deep,
Deep, deep dough
All that dough had to go.
When our speaker went
In to the Inn for the day,
She said, “Somebody has to
Glean all this away.
Somebody, SOMEBODY
Has to you see.”
Then she picked out two Somebodies.
Barney and me.
There we were.
We were trimming like that
And then who should come up
“Uh-oh!” Barney Said.
“Don’t you hire that cat.
That cat is a mad one,
That Cat from the Frat.
He does lots of bad tricks.
He’ll break us I fear.
You know what he did
The last time he was here.”
“Do tricks?” Laughed the Cat.
“Oh, my my! No, no, no!
I just want to get in
And count all your dough.
Keep your mind on your work.
You just stay there, you two.
I will go in the House
And find something to do.”
Then the cat slipped right in!
He was up to no good!
So I raced in after
As quick as I could.
Do you know where I found him?
Do you know where he was?
He was dealing in sub-prime mortgages!
Yes he was!
He was setting up risk
And deferring his pay
And I said to the Cat,
“When the heck’s your payday?”
“But I like
to sell homes
In this way,” laughed the cat.
“You should try it sometime,”
Laughed the cat as he tat.
And then I
got bad.
This was no time for puns.
I said, ”Cat, you get out!
I have work by the ton.
We have no time for tricks.
We must go back and trim.
We can’t have you in here
Wasting funds on a whim!
You get out of the House!
We don’t want you about!”
Then I cut off his funding
And let it run out.
The funding
ran out.
And then I SAW THE RING!
A ring ‘round our books!
And, oh boy! What a thing!
A big long red cat ring!
It looked like red ink!
And I said, “Will we ever
Shed debt? I don’t think!”
“Have no fear
of that debt,”
Laughed the Cat from the Frat.
“Why, I can take debt
Off books. Just like that!”
Do you know
how he did it?
Now the books were all clean,
But her dress was a mess.
Then Barney
looked in.
Barney saw the dress, too!
And Barney and I
Did not know what to do.
We should work on the dough.
But that dress! What a lot!
“It may never come off!”
Barney said. “It may not!”
But the cat
laughed, “Oh, no!
I can make the debt go!
The way to take debt off a dress
Is just so!”
“Look Here!”
laughed the Cat.
“It is no feat.
The thing that takes debt
Off a dress is Wall Street!”
Then we saw the cat wipe
The debt off the dress.
Now the dress was all clean.
But the DOW! What a mess!
“Oh, DOW
drops!” he laughed.
“Let me drop you a shoe.
To save DOW drops et al,
All I need is your news!”
Whose news
did he use?
I looked and saw whose!
And I said to the cat,
“These are very bad ewes.
Now the debt is all over
“But your
news will not
Know about that,”
Said the cat.
“They will never find out,”
Laughed the Cat from the Frat.
“The six-thirty news will have
No debt at all.
I will write them all off
With these cars in the hall.”
“But now we
have CARS DEBT!”
I yelled. “What the hay!
CARS Debt! What’s next?
Can you take THAT away?”
“Don’t tempt
me,” he laughed.
“Why, you know that I will!”
Then he hopped in his car.
I was feeling quite ill.
“I can clean
up this CARS debt
Before you count three!
No debt is too big
For a Frat Cat like me!”
He ran into the Senate
And then the cat said,
“It is good that your Senate
Has the right kind of bread.”
Then he shook
the bill!
Now the Fed had the debt.
And all I could say was,
“You’re all wet, Cat!
You’re all wet!”
But the cat
now looked ill.
He just stared at the Fed.
“This is NOT the right kind of bread
The cat said.
To take debt off THIS Fed
will be hard,” said the cat.
“I can’t do it alone,”
Said the Cat from the Frat.
“It is good I
have some one
to hep me,” he said.
“Right here in the ACORN
On top of my head!
It is good that I have him
Here with me today.
He helps me a lot.
This is Senator A!”
Then Senator
took the cap off HIS head.
“It is good I have some one
To help ME,” he said.
“This is Senator B.
And I keep him about.
And when I need funding
Then I let him come out.”
And then B
“I think we need Senator C.
That debt is too much
for the A guy and me.
But now, have no fear!
we will glean it away!
The three of us, Senators B, C, and A!”
on! Wipe it away!”
Yelled Senator A.
“I will hide
that old debt
In this room! Do you see?
It comes off the old Fed!
It goes on your T.V.”
And then
Senator B
Cleaned up the T.V.
He wrote up a
Put the debt in Japan!
Then C sent it out
of the House with a fan!
“But look
where it went!”
I said. “Look where it blew!”
You blew the mess
Out of the House. That is true.
But now you made Dough Debt!
You can’t let THAT stay!”
consider that now,”
Said C, B, and A.
“With some
help, we can do it!”
said Senator C.
Then BANG! On his head
We saw Senator D.
Senators E, F, and G!
“We will
launder that dough
If it takes us all day!
If it takes us all night,
We will wash it away!”
Said Senators G, F, E, D, C, B, A.
Then Senator
Took the cap of his debt.
“I have Senator H
Here to help us he said.”
“Senators H,
I, J,
K, L, and M.
But our debt is so big
We must have more than them.
We need Senator N.
We need O. We need P.
We need Congressmen Q, R, S, T,
U and V.”
on! Spread those debts!
Kill the mess!” yelled the cat.
And they jumped at the dough
With new bills and red ink.
They sent some to jails
And they made paper hills!
Ink straw men, Green Taxes
And new healthcare bills!
Oh, the money
they spent!
And they spent as such rates,
It was all one big debt pile
All over the states!
But the Cat just stood there
And he said, “this is good.
This is what they need do
And I knew that they would.”
“With a
little more debt,
All the work will be done.
They need one more guy.
And I know just the one.”
“Look close at
my plan
I have Congressman V.
On his bed are Rep’s W,
X, Y, and Z.”
“Z is too
fried to free.
So don’t try. He’s not vet.
But Z is the one
Who will clean up the debt!”
“Now here is
the Z
You can’t free,” said the Cat.
“And I bet you can’t guess
What he has in HIS Frat!”
“He has
something called Shroom.
Shroom is so hard to get
You’ve never had anything
Like it, I bet.
Why Shroom cleans up everything
clean as can be!”
Then he yelled,
“Get your Frat on now,
Congressman Z!
Take the Shroom off your head!
Make it clean out the dough!
Hurry! You Congressman!
One, two, three, GO!”
Then the Shroom…
It went VROOM
And oh, Boy! What ensued!
Now don’t ask me what Shroom is.
I don’t want to know.
But, boy! Let me tell you
“So you see!”
laughed the Cat,
Now your reps are all deft!
Now your dough is all gone!
Now your House is all Left!
And you know where my Senators are?”
Said the Cat.
That Shroom blew those Senators
Under the mat.
And so if you ever
Have debt, now and then,
I will be more than happy
To come here again…
With Senators
A, B, C, D..
E, F, G,
H, I, J, K,
L, M, N
and O, P.
And Q, R, S, T,
And Rep. U and Rep. V,
And Congressmen W, X, Y, and Z.