The following is a letter I sent to Senator Carl Levin, D-MI.
Senator Levin,
I am most displeased with the rhetoric coming from our
nation’s capitol of late. While the
House Republicans have a fair share of blame to take for this, please don’t
think for one second that the citizenry, the 99% of the population in the
middle of the road, don’t see that there is PLENTY of blame to go around. With the state of things regarding the sequester,
the government shutdown, and now a DEFAULT on our national debt. You people really want to play with
brinksmanship? Here’s what I’m thinking,
and I’m CERTAIN I’m not alone: There’s
an election coming up next year. I’m not
sure if your name is on the ballot for that one or the following being as you’re
term is 6 years, BUT never fear I intend to launch a campaign to oust ALL
INCUMBENTS for the NEXT SIX YEARS so that we can finally free Our United States
from the grip of elected officials and career politicians who only seem to pull
further and further to the extreme.
Like many Americans, I have already been affected by the ACA. I USED to be able to take a salary reduction of up to $5,000 to be put into a Medical Savings Account. Unfortunately, the leadership of your party felt that there was a need for more tax dollars and decided to strap people with medical conditions and high medical bills with higher taxes by getting rid of their “loopholes” while maintaining the loopholes for Big Oil and others (You know, the companies declaring multi-billion dollar profits and paying precious little in taxes). Well, the medical savings account maximum has been cut in half. My medical savings account was empty in May this year while LAST YEAR, before the ACA’s limit in medical savings accounts, lasted until November at the maximum amount. I’m sure YOU don’t have to worry about how the ACA will affect you because Congress are exempted from the ACA. It was policies like these here in Michigan that had me spending 2008 away from my family in Delaware at a new job trying to move there. “Fortunately” I was unable to sell my house and my employer opened up my same position in Grand Rapids that I was doing in Delaware (engineering software support) which allowed me to move home again. I was one of the lucky ones. While I was out East, I got to meet several Michigan “refugees” (that what we called jokingly ourselves). Frankly, the best thing that happened to Michigan, and especially for Michigan JOBS, was the removal of Jennifer Granholm. I watched many long-time companies pack up shop and either fold completely or move out of state (some just across the border to Indiana and Ohio).
I would greatly prefer that my nation, the land and people I love, follow in those footsteps. People have been saying that Obama is an anti-colonialist who seeks to downsize America for a few years now. While it’s great to have the media re-iterate that it’s all the fault of the Republicans, I don’t believe for one second that the Democrats and our President, who states in one sentence that he will accept nothing but 100% of what he wants and in the next posits the question to the camera how it is that anyone can expect a negotiation where one side would get 100% of what they’re asking for – referring to the House Republicans, are blameless. That’s just a load of hooey.
I know that compromise happens when NEITHER side is completely happy, but Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid put this disaster together in a late night session (Yes, I know they weren’t alone, but they WERE the two majority leaders) and never brought it up for any kind of debate or vote over its final form. They thumbed their noses at the American people declaring that it was all LEGAL and NOW we get to find out what they REALLY wrote because all the important parts were not defined and thus would be defined via Administrative Law, thus preventing judicial scrutiny (or at least avoiding for as long as possible by way of financially wearing-out any challengers by keeping any such challenge stuck in bureaucratic purgatory).
Like many Americans, I have already been affected by the ACA. I USED to be able to take a salary reduction of up to $5,000 to be put into a Medical Savings Account. Unfortunately, the leadership of your party felt that there was a need for more tax dollars and decided to strap people with medical conditions and high medical bills with higher taxes by getting rid of their “loopholes” while maintaining the loopholes for Big Oil and others (You know, the companies declaring multi-billion dollar profits and paying precious little in taxes). Well, the medical savings account maximum has been cut in half. My medical savings account was empty in May this year while LAST YEAR, before the ACA’s limit in medical savings accounts, lasted until November at the maximum amount. I’m sure YOU don’t have to worry about how the ACA will affect you because Congress are exempted from the ACA. It was policies like these here in Michigan that had me spending 2008 away from my family in Delaware at a new job trying to move there. “Fortunately” I was unable to sell my house and my employer opened up my same position in Grand Rapids that I was doing in Delaware (engineering software support) which allowed me to move home again. I was one of the lucky ones. While I was out East, I got to meet several Michigan “refugees” (that what we called jokingly ourselves). Frankly, the best thing that happened to Michigan, and especially for Michigan JOBS, was the removal of Jennifer Granholm. I watched many long-time companies pack up shop and either fold completely or move out of state (some just across the border to Indiana and Ohio).
I would greatly prefer that my nation, the land and people I love, follow in those footsteps. People have been saying that Obama is an anti-colonialist who seeks to downsize America for a few years now. While it’s great to have the media re-iterate that it’s all the fault of the Republicans, I don’t believe for one second that the Democrats and our President, who states in one sentence that he will accept nothing but 100% of what he wants and in the next posits the question to the camera how it is that anyone can expect a negotiation where one side would get 100% of what they’re asking for – referring to the House Republicans, are blameless. That’s just a load of hooey.
I know that compromise happens when NEITHER side is completely happy, but Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid put this disaster together in a late night session (Yes, I know they weren’t alone, but they WERE the two majority leaders) and never brought it up for any kind of debate or vote over its final form. They thumbed their noses at the American people declaring that it was all LEGAL and NOW we get to find out what they REALLY wrote because all the important parts were not defined and thus would be defined via Administrative Law, thus preventing judicial scrutiny (or at least avoiding for as long as possible by way of financially wearing-out any challengers by keeping any such challenge stuck in bureaucratic purgatory).
I cannot believe that we’ve got children running our
nation. This thing reads like the
reports of a playground fight and the kids are all pointing fingers in every
direction saying the other one or group did it.
Please get your collective heads together and figure out how to
compromise. You’re hurting our nation.
If our nation defaults on its debt, I would think you should
do the honorable thing and resign. But I’m
sure you won’t so expect resistance at your next election. You can let Debbie Stabenow know my sentiments for
her are likewise. I’ll write Justin
Amash myself.