Monday, September 30, 2013

Breaking Bad Grumpy Cat

(Note the pics above were compiled from images found via Google Search)

I thoroughly enjoyed last night's finale of Breaking Bad.  The writing in this show was first rate.  I liked how they used the name Heizenberg after the man who posited the quantum physics principle of uncertainty.  The concept, in simple terms, states that as one improves his accuracy on finding the location of an electron he loses accuracy on its momentum and energy, but as one improves accuracy on momentum he loses accuracy on position and energy.  The entire story plot follows this type of pattern and by the end (SPOILER ALERT) Walter dies just before the police arrive.  They've found WALTER, but the meth lab, the people running the lab and business around it are either gone or dead.  Just when Walter is about to be killed, he manages to find his way to saving Jesse and he kills the gang with a trunk-mounted machine gun.  It was just an awesome ending for a great story.

Jesse was another good and proper ending.  I found myself laughing that he was driving away from the scene just before police arrive just as we met his character leaping out of a second story window as the DEA was raiding his lab.  Walter may have used the name Heizenberg, but the name didn't take it's full meaning without the two of them.  As a team, they escaped prosecution as Walter died from his injuries after fulfilling his objective of providing for his family, and Jesse escaped the scene ahead of being discovered there.

Again I say, an excellent ending to an excellent story.

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