Monday, September 9, 2013

New Technology for a Brave New 1984

With the advent of the NSA scandal, I have to wonder, as I'm sure many people will, about Apple releasing 2 new iPhones.  I came across this article that was referenced on Facebook.

In my cynical thinking, given the latest news about the latest released documents from Edward Snowden, I had to wonder the following (in jest of course - I think):

I'm guessing the less expensive model comes with features like:
1) NSA Forwarding
2) Alert messages and auto-highlighting for certain "key words and phrases"
3) CIA drone beacon
4) Unobtrusive Auto-upload of GPS history to
5) 3rd Party Auto-Decrypt

I do wonder how that news will effect the technology market, and even people's communications.

It's sad.  When I read THIS article, I have to admit that for as cynical as I am, I was a bit "gobsmacked" myself.  It would seem that the distopia of Eric Blair's (George Orwell by pseudonym) 1984 is finally being realized today.  It might only take the slightest nudge to turn the "Department of Homeland Security" into the "Ministry of Love."  This is a scary prospect and there are people who should be made to account.  I don't, however, think this should be entirely aired in public.  There are some things the public should NOT know so as to protect our security as a nation.

So, in all seriousness, we writers make jokes about these issues and others, but we do understand that it represents something serious.  Perhaps that's WHY we choose satire to express ourselves at times.

Just some thoughts.

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